The primary objective is to promote, develop and organize productive chains of specialized companies in different kinds of business, that can allow creation of complete productive divisions. This should be made by a series of integrated actions and researches on the ground, aimed to create an homogeneous and functional productive complex.
Our intervention areas are mostly in food industry, thanks to the excellent professionality and knowledge reached by mainly used companies. We have promoted and studied too, actions in environmental area and for treatment/cleaning of drinking water.
I.I.D. International Industrial Development has an extremely important role in promoting export of productions and products made in extra CEE and/or developing countries. Excellent knowledge of most developed markets, allows an effective action of support aimed to create, where is possibile, a safe and stable market for commerce of these products.
I.I.D. International Industrial Development is too ideal partner for all foreign operators interested in Italian products. Contacting our Company, it’s possible to receive detailed information about any kind of production, and design and feasibility studies for turn-key commercial and technical solutions.
Our Company is an active partner in national and European programs, where cooperates, together with other private subjects representative of world of cooperation, on projects aimed to improve quality of life, feeding and fight against poverty, with particular attention to emerging countries in development phase.